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Shop local also applies to weddings, so research says

Shop local also applies to weddings, so research says

Weddings this year have been all about ‘keeping it local’ according to research from wedding planning website

The founder of the popular online wedding resource Becca Pountney says that following research among 500 brides, just under three-quarters (62 per cent) said that they have preferred wedding planning with local suppliers as opposed to those further afield for three key reasons. 

Firstly, they like the fact that suppliers are easy to reach, secondly they are often more cost effective and finally, word of mouth recommendation is often done locally through friends or via local Facebook groups.

How to save money on your wedding car

 wedding car

According to research carried out by wedding website Hitched, the average UK wedding costs £25,090. With 36% of couples paying out of their own pocket and a further 48% sharing the cost with their parents, it’s likely you’ll want to cut back your spending in certain areas. 

Luckily, if you know what you’re doing, you can save a lot of money on your transportation for the days. So, if you would like to lower the cost of getting to the wedding venue and reception on your big day, here are our tips for making your money go as far as possible.  

Ask a friend or family member

End of the White Wedding: Only 1 in 5 couples say I do to tradition

End of the White Wedding: Only 1 in 5 couples say I do to tradition

A study conducted by an online voucher code website has found that 44% of couples do not want to have a traditional ‘white wedding*’ with just 20% wanting one.

In addition only one in three people in England and Wales have a religious ceremony**. So we ask; are we seeing the end of traditional weddings?

Are we seeing an end to the traditional White Wedding in the UK? According to research, just 1 in 5 couples want to have a formal wedding, something that is traditional. In addition 30% of couples would rather get married in a hotel compared to just 9% who would opt for a church service.

Popped the question on Valentine's Day? Top tips for newly engaged couples

Popped the question on Valentine's Day? Top tips for newly engaged couples

As the most romantic day of the year looms, wedding venues nationwide are gearing up for a flurry of enquiries as freshly engaged couples eagerly book their nuptials and look forward to their big day.

It can be easy to caught up in the romance of the moment, so to help those couples who have become engaged after the question was popped on Valentine's Day, Clare Poole, Head Wedding Co-ordinator at The Royal Toby Hotel, part of the Deckers Hospitality Group which owns and operates a number of prestigious wedding venues in the north west of England, offers these top 10 practical tips to ensure a smooth, organised planning period: