Pommade Divine – The pharmacy in a jar
Dating back to the beginning of the 18th century, Pommade Divine is the original multi-purpose beauty balm and nature’s first aid kit, loved by royalty and celebrities alike. Whether you’re relaxing on the beach in Antigua, backpacking in Australia, dancing the night away on Ibiza or just camping in your back garden, this balm is the one thing you must pack.
Pommade Divine contains a unique combination of essential oils, spices and resins, tried and tested across the centuries and blended into a skin-softening, nourishing base of Shea Butter, Jojoba and Lanolin. The result is most efficacious, versatile and restorative!

Use to relieve and soothe summer skin:
• Insect Bites
• Chapped Lips
• Cracked Heels
• Dry Hands
• Sun Burn
• Grazes
• Burns
• Scrapes
Also available at - Wholefoods & Fenwicks nationwide, Liberty & Fortnum & Mason
“It’s a fantastic product”
Sienna Miller, Actress
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