7 tips every bride needs to remember when posing for wedding photos

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When the big day arrives, every bride wants to look her best in those wedding photos that will be admired for years to come. But for many, knowing how to pose and capture the best angle of yourself can be a tricky skill to master. Luckily for all you brides-to-be, Clare Moreton – photography expert at  CEWE – offers her advice to ensure you look your best in a beautiful collection of wedding photos.

1.    Find your best side

Generally speaking, most people have one side of their face that is more photogenic. That’s because most people’s faces aren’t perfectly symmetrical. Try standing perpendicular to the camera and gently turn your head towards the lens with your best side showing. Your photographer will be able to capture a range of shots that perfectly capture your facial expression and smile. Photographs taken head on can often highlight imbalances in face symmetry so profile shots can be more flattering.

2.    Veil shots

Whilst we’re sure you can’t wait to pull the veil over your head for that first kiss, make the most of the photo opportunities your veil provides during your shoot! Experiment with the soft shadows it casts over your face in portrait shots by holding the material at different angles. Ask your photographer to focus on the lace patterns to highlight the delicate details.

7 tips every bride needs to remember when posing for wedding photos

3.    Smile, but not too much!

It may be the happiest day of your life, but make sure you’re just as happy with your photos! When you smile widely (which you’ll be doing a lot of), your eyes tend to narrow and scrunch up. Remember to relax your face and mix it up with both open and closed mouth smiles. Push your chin out a little and elongate your neck to smooth out your face in order to look stunning in the finished result!

4.    Focus on the finer detail

Some of the most stunning shots are the candid shots of the bride as she gets ready. Ask your photographer to focus on the details of your outfit such as the lace of your dress or the sparkle of your engagement ring. Action shots of you adjusting your earrings or putting on your shoes help recount the story of your day and the exciting build-up to the ceremony. 


5.    Use angles

Angles are flattering and give a refreshing alternative to your wedding album. It’s a well-known fact that most people look better from above so ensure the camera is at eye level, if not slightly above. This will ensure your eyes pop and any unflattering under-chin will be hidden. Try looking straight at the camera and then down slightly for a more candid look.

6.    Bouquet shots

Your wedding bouquet will make the perfect prop in your wedding day photo shoot so ask your photographer for a range of photos featuring the beautiful colorful bouquet.

Top tip: Your bouquet will always have a slightly better side, especially after carrying it around with you. Before posing for a photo, make sure you turn the bouquet around until you spot the best angle.    

7 tips every bride needs to remember when posing for wedding photos

7.    Find a way to treasure your photos forever.

When the big day is over, it’s easy to forget about all the beautiful photos and rediscover them only on your anniversary and special occasions. Find a way to display your photos either in an album or photo book so it’s easy to look through them time and time again. Find your favourites and create a canvas print for your home so you can be reminded of your special day every day.

August 27, 2019

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