**Diary date** Love Your Gut week, 4th – 10th September 2017

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The gut is one of the most important organs in the body and it plays a vital role in our health and wellbeing in many different ways. So, show your gut some love this September and  take time to look after your digestive system – it really is worth it!

Love Your Gut Week 2017 runs from 4-10th September. Love Your Gut has been raising awareness of the importance of gut health for over 18 years by providing expert tips, digestive health news and recipes.

The good news is that it isn’t hard to love your gut! To get you started Dr Joan Ransley and the experts at Love Your Gut have put together tips on how to give your gut the love and attention it deserves.

  1. Get your Zzzs: A lack of sleep can impact on bowel function, appetite and body weight, so aim for eight hours sleep a night. Cutting out fatty foods, alcohol and caffeine before going to bed will help you nod off.
  2. De-stress: In stressful situations, adrenaline pumps around the body and speeds up everything inside it – including how quickly food is passing through it. Making time to relax can help minimise the effects of stress. So, whether it’s a walk, swim, or simply time to read a book, be sure to schedule time to relax.
  3. A balanced diet: Make sure your diet has plenty of variety and includes carbohydrates, a range of protein rich foods, essential oils from nuts, seeds and oily fish, dairy and lean meat, as well as cereals and grains rich in fibre.
  4. Drink up: Making sure you drink enough helps with digestion, ensures you are hydrated and may help prevent constipation. Don’t ignore when you feel thirsty and take plenty of water with you if you’re heading out in hot weather.
  5. Get active: Exercise can really help improve your digestive health. Carrying excess weight can really affect the digestive system - putting pressure on the stomach, or squashing food mixed with stomach acid back into the gullet, which can cause heartburn.
  6. Five a Day: Rich in essential vitamins, minerals and fibre, ensuring you have five portions of fruit and vegetables a day can make a big difference to the health of your gut. Citrus fruits, berries, kiwi fruits, courgettes, squash, aubergines, tomatoes, cucumber and lettuce are foods that are often recommended for those with a sensitive gut.
  7. Make time to enjoy food: Don’t eat your meals on the run. Effective and comfortable digestion only takes place if you relax and allow yourself time to enjoy your food. Make meals an opportunity to relax with friends and eat slowly, savouring each mouthful.
  8. Limit the alcohol: A glass of wine now and then is okay, , but don’t be tempted to drink on an empty stomach or overindulge.. Drink sensibly, alcohol can irritate the lining of the stomach and too much can lead to gastrointestinal and liver disease.gut-health
  9. Don’t smoke: Smoking has harmful effects on all parts of the digestive system and increases risk of disease and disorders.
  10. Eating breakfast: Evidence shows that people who eat a healthy breakfast tend to eat more dietary fibre, more vitamins and less fat. This may all help to stimulate the bowels to empty more regularly.

Dr. Joan Ransley, Love Your Gut Ambassador says: ‘The gut is an incredibly important organ and we should all take the time to look after it. Following these steps will help, but everyone is different and it is important to listen to your gut, to give it the love and care it deserves!’   

Event Date: 
Wednesday, August 16, 2017 - 14:45

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