Top tips to planning your own wedding

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Planning your wedding is exciting, overwhelming and fun...but it can be daunting.  Here are my top tips on planning it right.


Know your budget:


Your wedding is one of the most special days of your life, but don’t let the funding of it take over the rest of your life.  Discuss and agree your budget and ensure there’s a 10% contingency included – then get planning...not the other way around! bride groom


Make it personal:


Your wedding day is one of the most personal days in your whole life, so stamp your personalities and loves all over it!  Consider table names rather than numbers, a wall of old family photos, included your favourite food and flowers – and spend time putting together a playlist of your favourite tunes!


Be date flexible:

wedding rings

If your heart is set on a particular venue, then approach them with a few dates in mind – this is particularly relevant if you’re co-ordinating dates with a Church too.  And be open to a Friday, Sunday or weekday wedding, they’re becoming more popular and you may receive a discount too.


Be organised:


Keep all paperwork together in a folder, make sure payments are made on time and create a schedule on the run up to follow i.e. date by which final guest numbers are required by the caterers etc.  If a payment, contract return or information date slips, you may lose the supplier.

reception flowers

Bother with the detail:


A wedding is like any other event or party – the devil is in the detail.  Overlook updating your suppliers with key details and your day will start to unravel.  Take advice on the day’s official timings, and spend time considering the behind the scenes timings too, e.g. if your florist is providing flowers for your cake, make sure the cake is in situ before the florist leaves.  ...and never assume your suppliers will ‘just know’ – they won’t, so keep them up-to-date and informed!


Happy Planning!


Natalie Lovett, director, The Whitewed Directory

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