How to prevent and deal with wedding day issues

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There you are excitedly planning your wedding but are you aware of things that could go wrong and what to do when you are out of pocket?

We asked Helen Dewdney, The Complaining Cow blogger, consumer champion and author of 'How to Complain: The Essential Consumer Guide to Getting Refunds, Redress and Results!' for some wedding advice.

  1. Tempting as it may be to use a friend to take your wedding photos or make your cake, this could easily lead to problems. What happens if not everything is as you wanted? Will you lose a friendship? Will you get any money back. Your friend may be hurt but not as much as if on the day you aren’t happy. 

  2. Have a detailed conversation with anyone that is providing you with a service. Remember it is your big day and it is your money, don’t be worried about taking up their time!
  3. Put agreements in writing. It’s much easier to complain later and get any refund or redress when it is quite clear what has been agreed. So agree deadlines, costs, detailed descriptions even a picture if appropriate (such as for a cake).

But what if things still go wrong? What do you do then?

  1. Under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 you are entitled to services to be carried out with reasonable skill and care. So, if the cars you booked were late, or the photos haven’t come by the agreed time you should write to the company requesting
  2. If a supplier such as your hairdresser cancels and you have paid up front you are entitled to a full refund under the Consumer Rights Act 2015.
  3. The Consumer Rights Act 2015 also states that you are entitled to products that are of satisfactory quality, match the description and are free from faults. So if the cake was burnt, or decorations weren’t as described then you should request a refund. A full refund if you didn’t eat any, a partial refund if you ate some! It’s all relative.
  4. When you write, be objective, provide the details of what was agreed and what happened. Say what you expect to happen and what you will do if you don’t receive a satisfactory answer, (give a deadline) such as going to the Small Claims Court.
  5. Take photos at the time. So if a delivery arrives damaged take a photo, if the cake has fallen apart take a photo etc. Evidence like this backs up any claim.
  6. Complain in good time. Try and work things out amicably first if you can. The Consumer Rights Act states that within 30 days you should receive a refund, after this time the retailer can offer a replacement or repair.


More can be found on 20 Top Tips how to complain

August 8, 2017

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