Top Tips for Planning a Hen Do

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Hen do season is fast approaching, and if you are lucky enough to be named maid of honour you now have a lot of planning to do.

But there are so many potential pitfalls; inviting the right person, negotiating the budget, picking the perfect date and venue – keeping the bride and an entire friendship group happy can often be as much work as organising the wedding itself.

Below are a few top tips to help you avoid disaster while planning the brides-to-be’s perfect send of celebration.

Doodle Poll with Photo

Who makes the cut? First thing to consider – who to invite. Obviously the hen’s closest friends earn an immediate place on the list, but would the bride-to-be want her mother or mother-in-law to attend? Once decided on the final rostra, make sure you get all of their contact details way ahead of time to aid organisation.

Date dilemma – Sounds simple but it is important to settle on a date early on so that you can begin booking hotels, restaurants and possibly, flights. But organising three friends can be a nightmare, let alone getting 20+ girls to agree on one date they’re all free. There are however, some fantastic tools out there, like new app from Doodle, which allow you to set up an event online, add all your possible dates and then send the invitation link to the girls. All they then have to do is select the times they’re available and the app works out the best time for everyone and notifies you.


Banish budget bust ups - Establish a budget with your friends at the beginning. The last thing you want is someone not being able to come because they can’t afford the elaborate plans you’ve concocted. Check with everyone before you start planning, and agree on and stick to a budget that suits everyone. Apps like Paym also make it really simple for the hen party to pay you back – they can simply text you the money. Splitting the bill can also get a little political - My Check diffuses the situation by allowing you to split the bill easily, on your phones.


Location, location, location - Have a clear plan for the Hen party. Will you be keeping it local, or straying further afield. Hitting the clubs or having a meal? However, do not feel like you can’t have a word with the bride and see if she wants a wild night out, or a quiet spa day with the inner circle. It also never hurts to have a look on Groupon to see if there are any really special deals, you might not ordinarily be able to afford available.

Most importantly, make sure it is personal – Ultimately this party is all about celebrating the Hen. Make sure the night reflects her dream party, and not yours. Whether it’s personalised t-shirts, a theme you know she adores or that triple layers chocolate cake she loves, make sure the evening is sprinkled with all her favourite things.

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