The Most Popular Time of Year to get Engaged: Revealed

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It has been revealed that December is the most popular month to get engaged in the UK, with a growing spike in engagement ring interest around this time of the year.

This research was conducted by independent jewellers, Diamond Heaven who looked at Google Trends data to find the patterns associated with getting engaged and engagement ring sales across the year.

With Diamond rings highlighted as the most popular type of engagement ring, it is no doubt that this trend is also paralleled with the proposal movements.

After looking at Google's search engine data across the past 5 years, from 2013 to 2018, there was recognisably a large spike in engagement and diamond ring searches across the festive months, including added interest in eternity rings.
With search rates of engagement rings almost doubling in December compared to their lower months, Diamond Heaven took time to look at further results from Google Trends and found the top three cities contributing to the search results which turned out to be Northampton, Croydon and Aberdeen, with Belfast and Plymouth falling closely behind.

The Most Popular Time of Year to get Engaged: Revealed

Nick Carter, Head of Retail & Development at Diamond Heaven says: “The coming months leading up to the festive season is a very busy time for us as people are often looking for that something special to surprise their partner with. Not only is it prime time for gift-giving but it’s also the most romantic time of the year. A lot of people are either going away or spending time with family and friends, making it the perfect setting for the perfect proposal”

He adds: “It is also the lead up to other momentous occasions such as new year's or valentines day, making it the perfect time of the year to plan something memorable. Here at Diamond Heaven, we see a lot of interest in our eternity and engagement rings throughout these months and we do our best to cater to everyone needs and specialities”

For more information on Diamond Heaven and it’s bespoke collection of engagement, eternity and diamond rings please visit:


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