Here comes the bride...and groom

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Forest of Arden’s Wedding Co-ordinators Explore the Recent Changes in the Wedding Planning Process

According to Forest of Arden Marriott Hotel & Country Club’s wedding co-ordinators, Olivia Bevan and Faye Knight, the last 18 month has seen a shift towards grooms becoming more involved in the wedding planning process. 

Faye, explains: “We are seeing more couples saving up and paying for the wedding themselves, rather than getting help from their parents, which means both the bride and groom are wanting to be more involved throughout the planning process . 

“In the past it has often been the bride, usually alongside her parents, that we’ve worked with to plan the big day, but now we are seeing the grooms’ involvement at nearly every stage.”

Olivia, continues: “The popularity of shows such as Don’t Tell The Bride has shown grooms-to-be just how much goes into the wedding planning process and actually how fun it can be. Making it a joint effort ensures that the big day reflects both personalities, which always makes it a more enjoyable day for the couple overall.”

Below are Faye and Olivia’s top tips on planning a wedding together:

1.Don’t sweat the small stuff – well, not at the start anyway. Make sure the big decisions are made early on – date, budget, location and then once these are in place start thinking about the finer details such as flowers and entertainment

2.Know what’s important to you – while also keeping sight of what your partner thinks is essential to the big day. Each of you will want different things, which means there will have to be some compromise along the way. At the start of the planning process both write your own list of the must-haves and the nice-to-haves, then compare, this will give you a really good idea early on of what you agree on and where tastes and opinions may differ and where compromises need to be made

3.Let go – planning the big day should be a joint effort, but naturally people are going to be better at organising certain elements than others. If this is the case, then simply leave them to it. Look at everything that needs to be planned and then work out what should be done together and what should be done individually

4.Don’t be afraid to involve others – parents, siblings, members of the wedding party – they’re all there to call upon if you need help. Planning a wedding can be a stressful process, so it is definitely made easier when more people are involved 

5.Take time away – if you and your partner are planning a wedding it can be all consuming,   so remember to make time for each. Go on dates and ban any wedding talk, so you can truly relax and remember why it is you want to get married in the first place 


October 14, 2016

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