Five Tips for Amateur Photographers

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By Max Montgomery

If you have a burning passion and a camera, you’re just about ready to dive into the world of photography. There’s a vast knowledge of information available on how to polish up your skills but if you’re just a budding photographer, here are some tips to get you started:

  • Research, Research!

Research is crucial. It’s great to know what you want to do before you turn up and shoot. It's a good idea to know as much about your subject before you shoot them, as this can help you relate to them during the photoshoot. In addition, it’s important to know as much as possible about the location you are shooting in. Factors such as the time of sunset, which rooms get light at which time make a significant difference the picture. After all, production is all part of being a photographer.

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    Keep it simple
    Nothing looks worse than an image that has been edited too much or badly edited using Photoshop. It’s the same concept for lighting; you don't need to over light. One light used correctly can do almost everything. Be agile as you shoot and experiment with different angles and perspectives.

  • Be your own biggest critic
    Stay humble and recognize your weak points. Be ruthless when editing your website or pictures. It really is about quality and not quantity. If it is not a strong picture, delete it.
  • Push yourself

You are only as good as the people you work with. Always push yourself to try and get the best hair stylist, make-up artist, wardrobe stylist, models, etc. You are not a magician and can only photograph what is in front of your lens, so try and help yourself out before the picture is taken as much as possible.

  • Just Shoot!

The most important thing is to have fun, keep shooting and constantly try and push yourself. You learn by experimenting and gain confidence by doing so. After all, it’s the best job in the world!

If my tips weren’t enough, more photography tips can be found here!

Event Date: 
Tuesday, November 29, 2016 (All day)

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