Diamonds and Chocolate, the Perfect Proposal?

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• Easter was voted the least popular occasion for Marriage Proposals

• Valentine’s continues to be popular, followed by New Year’s Eve

• Even Halloween preferable to the upcoming Easter bank holiday.

Proposing to your partner is one of the most exciting times of your life and naturally hopes are that the question will be popped perfectly without a hitch.

Vintage jewellery and watch specialists, William May, conducted a survey to determine whether there was a particular day that people would choose to pop the big question on asking ‘Which occasion would you choose to propose marriage to your significant other?’

In the past, Valentine’s Day has always come out as the clear winner when it comes to proposals, but has this become too cliché?

Easter proposals?

With Easter approaching, it’s interesting to note that 4.7% of men and women would choose to propose during this particular holiday.  An occasion that is associated with chocolate eggs and bunnies, proposals will probably be the furthest thing from your partner’s mind, so you’ve got the element of surprise that is so important when getting down on one knee. Imagine sending your significant other on an Easter egg hunt, only for them not to discover an egg at all, but a stunning diamond engagement ring.

You could even go one step further and present the ring inside an egg, like Suzanne’s fiancé did last Easter.

“David handed me a Kinder Surprise and I must admit I was a little disappointed, as an absolute chocolate fiend it wasn’t quite what I had in mind! However, opening that little yellow bubble I discovered an engagement ring inside, and when I looked David was bent down on one knee - it was the most perfect surprise!

Since our engagement we’ve been asked time and time again how he got the ring inside the egg, and it’s surprisingly simple! After carefully unwrapping the foil (Ready to re-wrap later) he placed the egg in the freezer where the drop in temperature caused the two halves popped open. He then replaced the toy with the ring and held the two halves back together – as the chocolate reached room temperature they sealed back together ready for the foil to be replaced.

Safe to say we’ll be having Kinder Surprises as our wedding favours later this year!” 

Older generations aren’t keen

Meanwhile, it appears that attitudes towards Easter proposals change with age. The younger groups, the 18-24 and the 25-34 age categories, appeared to be the most in favour, as 4.7% and 5.8% of them respectively believe that Easter would be the best occasion to propose on. This is in contrast to the 55-64 age category, where only 1.4% of people would choose Easter for a proposal.

Valentine’s Day remains the most popular

Although some lucky people will be presented with an engagement ring this Easter, the research indicated that Valentine’s Day is still the most popular day for proposals, with a large proportion of women (29.1%) and men (25.1%) choosing this romantic occasion to pop the question on. The second most favoured time was New Year, which 16.8% of people chose. Finally, birthday proposals were the third most popular, with 13.4% of the respondents favouring this option.

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