How To Buy Vintage With Lila's Jewels

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For Lila’s, wedding season kicks off in July, with the most orders of engagement rings and wedding bands coming through in during this hazy summer month. So to keep up with all you heat-wave love birds, here is the newest drop of pre-loved pieces from our favourite vintage jeweller and some tips on how to buy vintage! 

• The Seller: Trusting the seller is essential, as this means you can be assured you're getting what you're paying for. Make sure you choose someone who is reputable, as the description of the piece is more likely to be accurate 

• Hallmark: Is there a hallmark or signature? Although older pieces can lose their hallmarks due to wear, a hallmark is a good sign that it is a genuine or branded piece.How To Buy Vintage With Lila's Jewels

• Overall Condition: Pay attention to the condition! It may be a fabulous design, but if you're going to have to spend a fortune fixing it you need to take that into consideration. Good condition is indicated by minimal wear and tear on both the stones and the metal. Softer gems like emerald can often show signs of wear on top of the stone and on the edges of the facets, whereas the metal claws and bases of rings are often the areas that show signs of age, so it's good to really inspect these 

• Knowledge is Key: Be aware of historical design features and designers. It's good to have some knowledge about jewellery periods and famous designers, this way you can assess whether the jewellery piece you're interested in conforms to the stylistic conventions of the time or maker 

·   Materials: Pearls and soft stones like turquoise don't tend to last well through the years, if not cared for properly. Enamel is also a sensitive material if not looked after. If you love the piece though, don't let this stop you, just be prepared for a more intensive refurbishment and upkeep 

·How To Buy Vintage With Lila's Jewels             Return on Investment: Pieces by well-known designers and jewellers are extremely worthwhile investments, as are pieces that utilise unusual precious stones of a high quality. Items in good condition from pivotal periods are also worth investing in, such as Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian, as well as Art Deco period pieces, which are always sought after and will continue to be. Art Nouveau period pieces are currently increasing in value and jewellery with an established provenance can also be a good buy. Finally, don’t be afraid of second hand earrings, they can be fully cleaned, refurbished and if necessary have the hooks and stems replaced 

Finally, remember to buy something you love!!!

For a selection of the most dazzling vintage, antique and bespoke pieces, visit or drop by and see the team to discuss any remodelling needs.

July 5, 2018

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