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What is a wedding celebrant? A bride’s guide!

A celebrant wedding on a lake

Deciding who is going to perform your wedding ceremony is one of the first steps in the planning process, but with a multitude of options, deciding who will help you say I’ do’ is a decision in itself.

Jennifer Constant, founder of The Celebrant Directory a new website listing celebrants across the globe, has created a bride’s guide to answer the most common questions couples, and their families have.

What’s in a name?

Celebrants, Priests, Registrars and Humanists – the choice of who performs your ceremony is a big one, and understanding the similarities, differences and possibilities of each is key to making a decision both of you, and your families are happy with

What’s the difference between a Celebrant and a Priest?

Relieving wedding day stress

Relieving wedding day stress


We all know that your wedding day is supposed to be a happy day – indeed, the happiest of days. But what if things go wrong? What if you make a fool of yourself? What if something gets forgotten? Few people avoid wedding day stress.

One key step: You can make it far more bearable with good preparation. If you have organised things well in advance (or maybe you have employed a wedding planner to do this), then you should be able to enjoy the day without worrying about last-minute details.

Just to depress you, I’d like to point out that, of course, almost anything CAN go wrong. Your car may not collect you on time, it may break down, tremendous traffic - or weather - may hold you up. The venue may have a power cut.