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Dealing with bridal anxiety — relieving stress before the big day

bridal anxiety - a bride sits on a bed with her head in her hands

It might seem obvious that the preparation for a wedding could prove rather stressful, considering that it is regarded as one of the biggest days of a person’s life. The extent of this anxiety is often underestimated, and worrying about everything from make-up to guest favours can really take its toll. So, how do we take the edge off bridal anxiety? With the help of Angelic Diamonds, retailers of stunning halo engagement rings, let's take a look at some great ways to destress, ahead of saying ‘I do’.

Your essential hen party survival guide

Essential Hen Party Survival Guide infographic

Whether you’re throwing an unusual themed soiree or a traditional hen, a destination event or an arts and crafts hen party, there are numerous components to party throwing that are common throughout – regardless of the theme. Examples of these common components include: the location, guest list, itinerary and budget of the hen party. Therefore there are some essential organisational steps relating to these components that need to be addressed. 

How to plan a last minute wedding without losing your mind in the process

Most couples wait between 13 and 18 months from saying “yes” to saying “I do”. [i]And in an ideal world, long engagements present the perfect, relatively low-pressure opportunity to thoroughly consider (and sometimes reconsider) exactly how you want your wedding day to be. Do you want a luxury venue or something simple and low key? Do you want to go abroad or do you want to stay local. Church or registry office? Full length and fabulous or on-the-knee and quirky? Rustic summer ceremony or romantic mid-winter wedding?

Relieving wedding day stress

Relieving wedding day stress


We all know that your wedding day is supposed to be a happy day – indeed, the happiest of days. But what if things go wrong? What if you make a fool of yourself? What if something gets forgotten? Few people avoid wedding day stress.

One key step: You can make it far more bearable with good preparation. If you have organised things well in advance (or maybe you have employed a wedding planner to do this), then you should be able to enjoy the day without worrying about last-minute details.

Just to depress you, I’d like to point out that, of course, almost anything CAN go wrong. Your car may not collect you on time, it may break down, tremendous traffic - or weather - may hold you up. The venue may have a power cut.