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Survey shows an unlimited bar is most important factor for perfect wedding

Bride & Groom enjoying unlimited bar

Nearly one third of Brits see an unlimited bar as the ultimate requirement for their perfect wedding, a recent survey has revealed. In fact, 30 per cent of the British public just wouldn’t feel the same about the big day without an unlimited bar. 

Commissioned by Newbury Racecourse, the survey also revealed that women were more eager to keep the drink flowing than men, with 31 per cent agreeing that this was the most important factor for their perfect wedding. Men were marginally behind, with 28 per cent agreeing. 

Respondents under the age of 24 were thirstiest, with 41 per cent stating that the free bar was the most important factor. Only 19 per cent of those aged 55+ agreed – the lowest percentage of any age group. 

We Would Walk 500 Miles, And We Would Walk 500 More - For Love

We Would Walk 500 Miles, And We Would Walk 500 More - For Love

-          Brits are willing to travel 1,163 miles to a loved one’s wedding
-          Brits are happy to invest on average £827.45 on being a wedding guest
-          31% welcome the idea of a wedding abroad

ENGAGED BRITS should expect a bumper guest list, as new research has revealed wedding guests are more than happy to go the extra mile for loved ones’ nuptials, both in distance and financially.
A survey of 2,000 UK adults carried out by One4all, the Post Office gift card, revealed guests would be willing to travel an astonishing 1,163 miles - more than the distance from London and Barcelona or Manchester to Nice -  to be at a loved one’s wedding.

Are Brits the world's worst daters?

43% of UK respondents claim they have never approached someone they find attractive. Explore's new global dating infographic & latest survey results to discover whether we are just plain terrible at dating.

A OnePoll survey of 1000 Brits has revealed that the Romeos and Juliets of the UK could be among the world's worst daters. The fresh data shows that as a nation we are typically shy, not exactly chivalrous and even unromantic…

• 43% of Brits have never approached someone they find attractive
• 44% of men have never paid for their first date
• 14% of the British public have never been on a first date