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Pinterest Voted as the Ultimate Wedding Inspiration Tool

Bridesmaids with flowers

As couples around the world begin to source inspiration for those all exciting wedding plans, Debenhams Personal finance reveals just how influential social media is when it comes to planning the big day. Which social media platfom do you think is the ultimate wedding inspiration tool?

A recent survey conducted by Debenhams Personal Finance* has revealed that Pinterest was the social media channel of choice when it came to sourcing wedding inspiration, with over two thirds of couples (67%) using the site in their planning stages. The focus remains on image led social media platforms, with a quarter (25%) turning to Instagram for their all-important wedding research.

Will Pinterest help or hinder your wedding plans?

Table wedding plan

Our next blog is in from Natalie Lovett of Love to Plan. This time she's telling us all about Pinterest and how it can both help and hinder your wedding plans.

Pinterest is an amazing tool for getting ideas, finding what you love and coming across ideas to enhance your wedding colour scheme / theme, but I personally have a love : hate relationship with it as sadly a lot of what you see is either not available in the UK, is a styled shoot and has been put together as a one-off, or if it’s flowers, sometimes they’re simply not available at the time of year that your wedding takes place...very disappointing!