Flower girl

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How to have a royal wedding inspired confetti moment

royal wedding confetti

Are you watching the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle? Shropshire Petals are sharing their ideas on how you can have a royal wedding inspired confetti moment on your wedding day.

A traditional moment at any wedding is the confetti throw. Throwing confetti over newly married couples marks the celebration of their marriage. Here are a few confetti mixes we have created inspired by some of the choices Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have made about their big day.

6 cute carrying ideas your flower girls will love

Flower girls basket

There is nothing cuter than flower girls and pageboys at a wedding. Dressed in cute outfits as they walk down the aisle before the bride, flower girls are usually seen throwing petals from a basket as they proceed towards the alter.

Specialists in natural petal confetti, wheat and dried flowers, Shropshire Petals share 6 cute ideas your flower girls will love to carry on your wedding day.

6 ideas for your flower girls

A traditional Flower Girl Basket

Picking the perfect dress for your flower girl

Pink frill flower girl dress

It’s no secret that the Flower Girl is the sweetest wedding guests of them all, but with so many outfits to pick how do you pick the perfect one?

Planning a wedding is quite possibly one of the most stressful experiences of your life. With so many aspects to consider, it’s easy to overlook even the smallest of details in the run up to your big day. One aspect that can often be neglected is your flower girl’s dress. Thankfully, we’ve compiled this run-down of our top flower girl picks to take the hassle out of the process. So get your confetti ready as we count down our choices.

Top choices for the perfect flower girl dress

Jessie & James Girls Pink Dress with Frill Details, was £108 now £54