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UK mini-moons

UK mini-moons

The popularity of luxury mini-moons is set to increase as couples treat themselves to a short break after their wedding day in order to enjoy their honeymoon at a later date. Mini-moons are great for couples who want to save up for a special trip or want to go away at a time of year that doesn’t coincide with their big day.

When there are as many beautiful hotels as there are in the UK, why bother going abroad now when you can save yourself the hassle of getting a train or flight abroad? Simply relax at your UK destination and enjoy your first few days of married life in complete bliss and contentment as you are waited on hand and foot or in your own private getaway.



The Oxford English Dictionary dates the earliest recorded honeymoon as the 16th Century. But the practice really took off during the 1800s when wealthy couples would travel Europe to visit family members who were unable to make the wedding.

They often took friends, servants and family with them. Not such a popular idea for modern day couples who relish the time alone after the madness of the wedding planning. The idea of travel immediately following the Big Day is so well-established nowadays that 99% of couples who choose a traditional wedding will plan a honeymoon to follow.